The Kaleidocode promotion of access to information manual has been compiled in compliance with the provisions of the PAIA Act (No. 2 of 2000) and lists the records in the possession of Kaleidocode Pivot Pty Ltd - Reg No : 2015/334218/07.
Contact Information
Managing Director
Unit G1, 35 Intersite Avenue
Umgeni Business Park
Telephone: 031 3032299
Guide to the Act
In terms of section 10 of the Act, Human Rights Commission has produced a guide to the Act. The Commission may be contacted at any of the following:
Email: [email protected]
Postal address: Private Bag 2700, Houghton 2041
Telephone: 011 484 8300
Records of the company are available in accordance with the following legislation:
Request for Access to Records
A request for access to records of either company must be in the prescribed form and contain the following information:
For comprehensive details of our PAIA manual and what records are available please download and review the manual below.
Contact Information
Managing Director
Unit G1, 35 Intersite Avenue
Umgeni Business Park
Telephone: 031 3032299
Guide to the Act
In terms of section 10 of the Act, Human Rights Commission has produced a guide to the Act. The Commission may be contacted at any of the following:
Email: [email protected]
Postal address: Private Bag 2700, Houghton 2041
Telephone: 011 484 8300
Records of the company are available in accordance with the following legislation:
- Basic Conditions of Employment Act
- Companies Act
- Compensation for Occupational Diseases and Injuries Act
- Consumer Protection Act
- Employment Equity Act
- Income Tax Act
- Labour Relations Act
- Occupational Health and Safety Act
- Skills Development Levies Act
- Skills Development Act
- Unemployment Contributions Act
- Unemployment Insurance Act
- Value Added Tax Act
Request for Access to Records
A request for access to records of either company must be in the prescribed form and contain the following information:
- Particulars of the requester, including a postal address or fax number in the Republic
- Particulars of the records requested
- Particulars of the right to be protected or exercised
- An explanation of why the record is required
- Proof of the capacity of the requester, if the request is made on behalf of some other person
- The prescribed fee will be charged for every request for access to records.
- The prescribed fees for copying and access (determined in accordance with the time necessary to prepare the records) will be charged.
For comprehensive details of our PAIA manual and what records are available please download and review the manual below.

Kaleidocode Pivot PAIA Manual.pdf |